Amherst Rheology Course ( : "Synergy of Experiment with Theory in Rheology". It is a two-day interactive rheology workshop and tutorial, supported by the "IRIS Rheology Tool Kit".
The most recent Amherst Rheology Courses were held as
ARC18 – Luxembourg, March 21+22, 2018
ARC19 – Portorož/ Slovenia, April 7+8, 2019
PDFs are available for most papers and supplemental material. These PDFs are for personal use only.
For Rheologica Acta publications, the final paper is available at
Most Recent Publications of Winter Group
2024 publications
Winter HH (2024) Dampened Elasticity of Gels and the Deborah Function, Rheologica Acta, under review
Schmidt RF, Winter HH, Gradzielski M (2025) Generalized versus fractional: a comparative analysis of Maxwell models applied to entangled polymer solutions. Soft Matter, DOI: 10.1039/d4sm00749b
Wang P, Winter HH, Wagner MH, Auhl D (2024) Gelation of PU elastomers: rheological characterization for liquid additive manufacturing. Rheol Acta 63:397–406 Doi: 10.1007/s00397-024-01451-1
Tillinghast G, Sánchez-Rivera KL, Huber GW, Winter HH, Rothstein JP (2024)
Shear and extensional rheology of polyethylenes recycled using a solvent dissolution process. Rheol Acta 63:345–360 (2024). Doi: 10.1007/s00397-024-01446-y
Khandavalli S, Park JH, Winter HH, Myers D, Ulsh M, Mauger S (2023) Viscoelasticity enhancement and shear thickening of perfluorinated sulfonic acid ioomer dispersions in water–alcohol solvent mixtures. Macromolecules 56:6988–7005, DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.3c00383
2023 publications
Correia EL, Winter HH, Razavi1 S (2023) Two‑dimensional glass transition–like behavior of Janus
particle–laden interface. Rheol Acta 62:239–251;
Can-Qi Li C-Q, Winter HHW, Fan Y-Q Xu G-X, Yuan X-F (2023) Time–concentration superposition for linear viscoelasticity of polymer solutions. Polymers 15:1807-17;
2022 publications
12.06 Poh L, Narimissa E, Wagner MH, Winter HH (2022) Interactive Shear and Extensional Rheology—25 years of IRIS Software. Rheol Acta 61:259-269
Kayitmazer AB, Comert F, Winter HH, Messersmith PB (2022) Rheology and Gelation of Hyaluronic Acid/Chitosan Coacervates. Biomolecules 12(12):1817;
Fang H. Gao X, Zhang F, Zhou W, Qi G, Song K, Cheng S, Ding Y, Winter HH (2022) Triblock Elastomeric Vitrimers: Preparation, Morphology, Rheology, and Applications. Macromolecules 55(24):10900–10911
2021 publications
Sabnis S, Tanna VA, Gulbinski J, Zhu J, Nonnenmann SS, Sheng G, Lai Z, Winter HH, Fan W (2021) Exfoliation of Surfactant Swollen Layered MWW Zeolites Into Two-Dimensional Zeolite Nanosheets Using Telechelic Liquid Polybutadiene. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 315 (2021) 110883-110889
2020 publications
Yavitt BM, Fei H-F, Kopanati GN, Winter HH*, Watkins JJ* (2020) Liquid‐to‐solid transitions in nanoparticle‐filled brush block copolymer composites. J Polym Sci 58(22):3227-3236
Enokida JS, Hu W, Fang H, Morgan BF, Beyer FL, Winter HH, Coughlin EB* (2020) Modifying the Structure and Dynamics of Ionomers Through Counterion Sterics. Macromolecules 53(5):1767
Yavitt BM, Fei HF, Kopanati GN, Li R, Fufuto M, Winter HH*, Watkins JJ* (2020) Long-range lamellar alignment in di-block brush copolymers via controlled oscillatory shear. Macromolecules 53(8):2834-2840
Fang H, Ye W, Ding Y, Winter HH (2020) Rheology of the Critical Transition State of an Epoxy Vitrimer. Macromolecules 53(8): 4855−4862,
2019 publications
Yavitt BM, Fei HF, Kopanati GN, Winter HH*, Watkins JJ* (2019) Power law relaxations in lamellae forming brush block copolymers with asymmetric molecular shape, Macromolecules 52(4):1557-1566
Tanna VA, Enokida JS, Coughlin EB, Winter HH* (2019) functionalized polybutadiene for clay/polymer nanocomposite fabrication. Macromolecules 52(16):6135-6141
2018 publications
Laukkanen OV, Soenen H, Winter HH, Seppälä J (2018) Low-temperature rheological and morphological characterization of SBS modified bitumen. Construction and Building Materials 179:348-359.
Laukkanen OV, Winter HH, Seppälä J (2018) Characterization of physical aging by time-resolved rheometry: Fundamentals and application to bituminous binders. Rheologica Acta 57:745–756
Laukkanen OV, Winter HH, Soenen H, Seppälä J (2018) An empirical constitutive model for complex glass-forming liquids using bitumen as a model material. Rheologica Acta 57:57-70.
Laukkanen OV, Winter HH, Soenen H, Seppälä J (2018) Systematic broadening of the viscoelastic and calorimetric glass transitions in complex glass-forming liquids. J Non-Crystalline Solids 483:10-17.
Tanna VA.; Zhou Y, Winter HH (2018) Effect of platelet size in a soft nanocomposite: Physical gelation and yielding J Rheology 62:791-800
Laukkanen OV, Winter, H. H. (2018) The dynamic fragility and apparent activation energy of bitumens as expressed by a modified Kaelble equation. J Non-Crystalline Solids 499:289-299
Enokida JS, Tanna VA, Winter HH, Coughlin EB* (2018) Progression of the morphology in random ionomers containing bulky ammonium counterions. Macromolecules 51(18):7377-7385
2017 publications
Dannert R, Winter HH, Sanctuary R, Baller J (2017) Influence of suspension viscosity on Brownian relaxation of filler particles. Rheol Acta 56:615–622
Laukkanen O-V, Winter HH, Soenen H, Seppälä J (2017) Small-diameter parallel plate rheometry: a simple technique for measuring rheological properties of glass-forming liquids in shear. Rheol Acta, accepted
Li Y, Tanna V, Zhou Y, Winter HH, Watkins JJ, Carter K (2017) Nanocellulose aerogels inspired by frozen tofu. Sustainable Chem Eng 5: 6387-6391
Sabnis S, Tanna VA, Li C, Zhu J, Vattipalli V, Nonnenmann SS, Sheng G, Lai Z, Winter HH, Fan W (2017) Exfoliation of two-dimensional zeolites in liquid polybutadienes. Chem Commun 53:7011-7014
Laukkanen OV, Winter HH (2018) Strain accumulation in bituminous binders under repeated creep-recovery loading predicted from small-amplitude oscillatory shear (SAOS) experiments. Mech Time-Depend Mater 22:499–518,
Liu Y, Momani B, Winter HH, Perry SL (2017) Rheological Characterization of Liquid-to-Solid Transitions in Bulk Polyelectrolyte Complexes. Soft Matter 1:7332-7340
Tanna VA, Wetzel C, Winter HH (2017) Onset of non-linearity and yield strain of a model soft solid, Rheologica Acta 56(6):527-537.
Winter HH (2017) The solidification rheology of amorphous polymers - vitrification as compared to gelation. Macromolecular Symposia 374:177–180.
2016 publications
Momani B, Sen M, Endoh M, Wang X, Koga T, Winter HH* (2016) Temperature dependent intercalation and self–exfoliation of clay polymer nanocomposite. Polymer 93:204-212.
Winter HH (2016) Gel Point. Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology, Peterca M, ed, John Wiley & Sons. DOI: 10.1002/0471440264.pst476.pub2.
Winter HH (2016) The W-criterion for shear banding in complex fluids. Rheol Acta 55:873–878.
Liu Y, Winter HH, Perry SL (2017) Linear viscoelasticity of complex coacervates. Adv Col Interface Sci 239:46-60
Yavitt BM, Gai Y, Song D-P, Winter HH, Watkins JJ (2016) High molecular mobility and viscoelasticity of micro-phase separated bottlebrush diblock copolymer melts. Macromolecules 50 (1):396-405
Complete List of Publications of Winter Group
Corresponding authors are marked with an asterix.
16. Separate list: conference papers, which were never published as full articles
01.01 Stephens T, Winter HH*, Gottlieb M (1988) The steady shear viscosity of filled polymeric liquids described by linear superposition of two relaxation mechanisms. Rheol Acta 27:263-272 (PDF)
01.02 Chin BC*, Chun M-S, Winter HH* (2009) Modulus-Switching Viscoelasticity of Electrorheological Networks. Rheol Acta 48:177-189(PDF)
01.03 Siebenbürger M, Hajnal D, Henrich O, Fuchs M, Winter HH, Ballauff M* (2009) Viscoelasticity and shear flow of concentrated, non-crystallizing colloidal suspensions: comparison with mode-coupling theory. J Rheology 53:707-720(PDF)
01.04 Wang X, Tao F, Zhu J, Xue GJ, Chen T, Sun P, Winter HH, Shi A-C* (2009) Enhanced exfoliation of organo-clay in partially end-functionalized, non-polar polymer. Macromolecular Materials Engineering 294:190-195(PDF)
01.05 Winter HH*, Siebenbürger M, Hajnal D, Henrich O,Fuchs M, Ballauff M *(2009) An empirical constitutive law for concentrated colloidal suspensions in the approach of the glass transition. Rheol Acta 48:747–753(PDF)
01.06 Wang XL, Xue GJ, Sun P, Winter HH* (2010) Late-state Ripening dynamics of a polymer/clay nanocomposite. Macromolecules 43:1901–1906(PDF)
01.07 Li F, Lania K, Wang XL, Xue GJ, Winter HH* (2010) Steric effects on the rheology of nanocomposite gels of organoclay in dicarboxyl-terminated polybutadiene. Soft Matter 6:2442-2448(PDF)
01.08 Wang M, Winter HH, Auernhammer GK* (2014) Time and frequency dependent rheology of reactive silica gels. J Colloid Interface Sci 413:159-166 (PDF)
01.09 Gao Y, Zhang R, Lv, W, Li Q, Wang X*, Sun P, Winter HH, Xue G (2014) Critical effect of segmental dynamics in polybutadiene / clay nanocomposites characterized by solid state 1H NMR spectroscopy. J Phys Chem C 118:5606-5614(PDF)
01.10 Liu W, Tanna VA, Yavitt BY, Dimitrakopoulos C, Winter HH* (2015) Fast Production of High-Quality Graphene Via Sequential Liquid Exfoliation, ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 7: 27027−27030 (PDF)
01.10s supplement(PDF)
01.11 Kothari R, Winter HH, Watkins JJ* (2014) Rheological study of order-to-disorder transitions and phase behavior of block-copolymer-surfactant complexes containing hydrogen-bonded small-molecule-additives. Macromolecules 47(22): 8048-8055(PDF)
01.12 Momani B, Sen M, Endoh M, Wang X, Koga T, Winter HH* (2016) Temperature dependent intercalation and self–exfoliation of clay polymer nanocomposite. Polymer 93:204-212(PDF)
01.13 Sabnis S, Tanna VA, Winter HH*, Fan W* (2017) Exfoliation of two-dimensional zeolites in liquid polybutadienes. Commun 53:7011-7014 (PDF)
01.14 Dannert R, Winter HH, Sanctuary R, Baller J* (2017) Influence of suspension viscosity on Brownian relaxation of filler particles. Rheol Acta 56:615–622(PDF)
01.15 Tanna VA.; Zhou Y, Winter HH (2018) Effect of platelet size in a soft nanocomposite: Physical gelation and yielding J Rheology 62:791-800(PDF)
01.16 Tanna VA, Enokida JS, Coughlin EB, Winter HH* (2019) functionalized polybutadiene for clay/polymer nanocomposite fabrication. Macromolecules 52(16):6135-6141(PDF) ; SUPPLEMENT(PDF)
02.01 Ehrmann G, Winter HH* (1973) Druckmessung mit Hilfe von 'pressure holes'-Messgenauigkeit und Ansprechverhalten. Kunststofftechnik 12:156-159(PDF)
02.02 Robens G, Winter HH* (1974) Kapillarrheometrie - Abschätzen und Verkleinern des Dissipationseinflusses. Kunststofftechnik 13:61-64(PDF)
02.03 Winter HH* (1977) Entwurf der VDI-Richtlinie 2546 Kapillar-Viskosimetrie der Kunststoff-Schmelzen. VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf (PDF)
02.04 Winter HH*, Geiger K (1978) Messung der ersten Normalspannungsfunktion von Kunststoffschmelzen im Bogenspalt. Rheol Acta 17:264-273(PDF)
02.05 Winter HH*, Macosko CW, Bennett KE (1979) Orthogonal stagnation flow a framework for steady extensional flow experiments. Rheol Acta 18:323-334(PDF)
02.06 Chatraei S, Macosko CW, Winter HH* (1981) Lubricated squeezing flow: a new biaxial extension rheometer. J Rheology 25:433-443(PDF)
02.07 Macosko CW, Ocansey MA, Winter HH* (1982) Steady planar extension with lubricated dies. J Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech 11:301-316(PDF)
02.08 Soskey P, Winter HH* (1985) Equibiaxial extension of two polymer melts: polystyrene and low density polyethylene. J Rheology 29:493-517(PDF)
02.09 Soskey P, Winter HH* (1984) Large step strain experiments with parallel-disk rotational rheometers. J Rheology 28:625-645(PDF)
02.10 Holly EE, Venkataraman SK, Chambon F, Winter HH* (1988) Fourier transform mechanical spectroscopy of viscoelastic materials with transient structure. J Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech 27:17-26 (PDF)
02.11 Baumgärtel M, Winter HH* (1989) Determination of discrete relaxation and retardation time spectra from dynamic mechanical data. Rheol Acta 28:511-519 (PDF)
02.12 Baumgärtel M, Winter HH* (1992) Interrelation between continuous and discrete relaxation time spectra. J Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech 44:15-36 (PDF)
02.12a HHW to John Dealy (2013) (PDF)
02.12b derivations for John Dealy (2013) (PDF)
02.12c Dealy et al. (2014) (PDF)
02.13 Jackson JK, Garcia-Franco C, Winter HH* (1992) Modeling linear viscoelastic behavior with a truncated relaxation time spectrum. Proceedings of ANTEC '92:2438-2442(PDF)
02.14 Winter HH*, Baumgärtel M, Soskey P (1993) A parsimonious model for viscoelastic liquids and solids. Collyer AA (ed) Techniques in Rheological Measurement. Chapman & Hall London
02.15 Mours M, Winter HH* (1994) Time resolved rheometry. Rheol Acta 33:385-397 (PDF)
02.16 Mours M, Winter HH* (1995) Viscoelasticity of polymers during heating/cooling sweeps. Ind Eng Chem Res 34:3217-3222(PDF)
02.17 Winter HH* (1997) Analysis of dynamic mechanical data: Inversion into a relaxation time spectrum and consistency check. J Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech 68:225-239(PDF)
02.18 Winter HH*, Mours M, Baumgärtel M, Soskey P (1997) Rheological material parameters and their determination by computer aided methods. Collyer AA , Clegg DW (ed)Techniques in Rheological Measurement. 2nd ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston MA.
02.19 Mours M, Winter HH* (2000) Mechanical spectroscopy. Tanaka T, Ed, Experimental Methods in Polymer Science: Modern Methods in Polymer Research and Technology, Academic Press, San Diego CA. p. 495-546(PDF)
02.19a Errata in Mours M, Winter HH* (2000) Corrections for "Mechanical Spectroscopy" text. (PDF)
02.20 Horst RH, Stephens TS, Coons JE, Winter HH* (2003) Compression stress relaxation apparatus for the long-time monitoring of the incremental modulus. Rev Sci Instruments 74:11(PDF)
02.21 Winter HH* (2008) Rheometry with Capillary Rheometers. Chapter in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS) UNESCO- Publishers Co Ltd 6.197. Gallegos C, Walters K (ed), in press(PDF)
02.22 Arora D, Nandi S, Winter HH* (2011) A new generation of light scattering device with real time data analysis for rheo-optical measurements. Appl Rheol 21:42633 (PDF)
02.23 Winter HH* (2016) The W-criterion for shear banding in complex fluids. Rheol Acta 55:873–878
02.24 Laukkanen O-V*, Winter HH, Soenen H, Seppälä J (2017) Small-diameter parallel plate rheometry: a simple technique for measuring rheological properties of glass-forming liquids in shear. Rheol Acta, accepted(PDF)
03.01 Winter HH* (1970) Simulation nicht-Newtonscher Stoffe durch elektrische Modelle. Rheol Acta 9:405-409(PDF)
03.02 Winter HH* (1978) On network models of molten polymers: loss of junctions due to stretching of material planes. Rheol Acta 17:589-594(PDF)
03.03 Lodge AS, Armstrong RC, Wagner MH, Winter HH* (1982) Constitutive equations from gaussian molecular network theories in polymer rheology. Pure and Applied Chemistry 54:1349-1359(PDF)
03.04 Baumgärtel M, Schausberger A, Winter HH* (1990) The relaxation of polymers with linear flexible chains of uniform length. Rheol Acta 29:400-408 (PDF)
03.05 Baumgärtel M, DeRosa ME, Machado J, Masse M, Winter HH* (1992) The relaxation time spectrum of nearly monodisperse polybutadiene melts. Rheol Acta 31:75-82 (PDF)
03.06 Jackson JK, De Rosa ME, Winter HH* (1994) Molecular weight dependence of relaxation time spectra for the entanglement and flow behavior of monodisperse linear flexible polymers. Macromol 27:2426-2431 (PDF)
03.07 Winter HH* (1994) The occurrence of self-similar relaxation in polymers. J Non-Crystalline Solids 172-174:1158-1167 (PDF)
03.08 Jackson JK, Winter HH* (1995) Entanglement and flow behavior of bidisperse blends of polystyrene and polybutadiene. Macromol 28:3146-55 (PDF)
03.09 Winter HH*, Jackson JK (1996) Linear viscoelasticity: the search for patterns in the relaxation of polymer melts and gels. Covas JA, Ed, Rheological Fundamentals of Polymer Processing NATO ASI book. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, p61-92 (PDF)
03.10 Jackson JK, Winter HH* (1996) The relaxation of linear flexible polymers which are slightly polydisperse. Rheol Acta 35:645-655 (PDF)
03.11 Carri G, Winter HH* (1997) Mapping of the relaxation patterns of polymer melts with linear flexible molecules of uniform length. Rheol Acta 36:330-344 (PDF)
03.12 Hatzikiriakos SG, Kapristos M, Vlassopoulos D*, Chevillard C, Winter HH, Roovers J (2000) Relaxation time spectra of star polymers. Rheol Acta 39:38-43 (PDF)
03.13 Friedrich C*, Waizenegger F, Winter HH* (2008) Relaxation patterns of long, linear, flexible, monodisperse polymers: BSW spectrum revisited. Rheol Acta 47:8 909-916 (PDF)
03.14 Winter HH* (2009) Three Views of Viscoelasticity for Cox-Merz Materials. Rheol Acta 48:241-243 (PDF)
04.01 Chambon F, Winter HH* (1985) Stopping of crosslinking reaction in a PDMS polymer at the gel point. Polym Bull 13:499-503 (PDF)
04.02 Winter HH*, Chambon F (1986) Analysis of linear viscoelasticity of a crosslinking polymer at the gel point. J Rheology 30:367-382 (PDF)
04.03 Winter HH*, Chambon F (1986) Rheology of crosslinking polymers at the gel point. Proc Bi-annual Meeting Polymer Networks Group, Elsinore, Danmark (PDF)
04.04 Muthukumar M*, Winter HH* (1986) Fractal dimension of a crosslinking polymer at the gel point. Macromol 19:1284-1285 (PDF)
04.05 Chambon F, Petrovic ZS, MacKnight WJ, Winter HH* (1986 Rheology of model polyurethanes at the gel point. Macromol 19:2146-2149 (PDF)
04.06 Winter HH* (1987 Can the gel point of a crosslinking polymer be detected by the G'-G” crossover? Polym Eng Sci 27:1698-1702 (PDF)
04.07 Winter HH* (1987) Evolution of rheology during chemical gelation. Progr Coll Polym Sci 75:104-110 (PDF)
04.08 Chambon F, Winter HH* (1987) Linear viscoelasticity at the gel point of a crosslinking PDMS with imbalanced stoichiometry. J Rheology 31:683-697(PDF)
04.09 Vilgis T*, Winter HH* (1988) Mechanical selfsimilarity of polymers during chemical gelation. Progr Coll Polym Sci 26:494-500 (PDF)
04.10 Winter HH*, Morganelli P, Chambon F (1988 Stoichiometry effects on rheology of model polyurethanes at the gel point . Macromol 21:532-535 (PDF)
04.11 Hess W, Vilgis T, Winter HH* (1988) Dynamical critical behavior during chemical gelation and vulcanization. Macromol 21:2536-2542(PDF)
04.12 Winter HH* (1989) Gel Point. Encyclopedia of Polymer Science. 2nd Ed. John Wiley & Sons, New York, p. 343-351 (PDF)
04.13 Winter HH* (1990) Gel Point. Concise Encycl Polym Sci Eng. J Wiley & Sons, New York 430-432 (PDF)
04.14 Venkataraman S, Coyne L, Chambon F, Gottlieb M, Winter HH* (1989) Critical extent of reaction of a polydimethylsiloxane polymer network. Polymer 30:2222-2226 (PDF)
04.15 Scanlan JC, Winter HH* (1991) Composition dependence of the viscoelasticity of end-linked PDMS at the gel point. Macromol 24:47-54 (PDF)
04.16 Scanlan JC, Winter HH* (1991) The evolution of viscoelasticity near the gel point of endlinking poly(dimethylsiloxane polymers. Die Makromol Chemie 45:11-21(PDF)
04.17 Venkataraman SK, Winter HH* (1990) Finite shear strain behavior of a cross-linking polydimethylsiloxane near its gel point. Rheol Acta 29:423-432(PDF)
04.18 Valles EM, Carella JM, Winter HH*, Baumgärtel M (1990) Gelation of a radiation crosslinked model polyethylene. Rheol Acta 29:535-542(PDF)
04.19 Izuka A, Winter HH*, Hashimoto T (1992) Molecular weight dependence of viscoelasticity of polycaprolactone critical gels. Macromol 25:2422-2428 (PDF)
04.20 Winter HH* (1991) Polymer gels materials that combine liquid and solid properties. MRS Bulletin XVI(8):44-48(PDF)
04.21 Winter HH* (1993) Effect of phase transitions on the rheology of polymers. Makromol Chem Macromol Symp 69:177-180 (PDF)
04.22 De Rosa, ME, Winter HH* (1994) The effect of entanglements on the rheological behavior of polybutadiene critical gels. Rheol Acta 33:220-237 (PDF)
04.23 Izuka A, Winter HH*, Hashimoto T (1994) Temperature dependence of viscoelasticity of polycaprolactone critical gels. Macromol 27:6883-6888 (PDF)
04.24 Winter HH*, Izuka A, De Rosa ME (1994) Experimental observation on the molecular weight dependence of the critical exponents for the rheology near the gel point. Polym Gels Networks 2:239-245 (PDF)
04.25 Mours M, Winter HH* (1996) Relaxation patterns of nearly critical gels. Macromol 29:7221-7229 (PDF)
04.26 De Rosa ME, Mours M, Winter HH* (1997) The gel point as reference state: A simple kinetic model for crosslinking polybutadiene via hydrosilation. Polym Gels Networks 5:69-94 (PDF)
04.27 Winter HH*, Mours M (1997 Rheology of polymers near their liquid-solid transitions. Adv Polym Sci 134:165-234 (PDF)
04.28 Izuka A, Hashimoto T, Winter HH* (1997) Self-similar relaxation behavior at the gel point of a blend of a crosslinking poly (e-caprolactone) diol with a poly (styrene-co-acrylonitrile). Macromol 30:6158-6165 (PDF)
04.29 Mours M, Winter HH* (1998) Relaxation pattern of endlinking polydimethylsiloxane near the gel point. Polym Bulletin 40:267-274 (PDF)
04.30 Winter HH* (1999) Soft polymeric materials near the transition from liquid to solid state. Korea-Australia Rheol J 11(4): 275-278 (PDF)
04.31 Winter HH* (2001) Chemical and physical gelation. Encycl Mat Sci Tech, Elsevier, p. 6991-6999
04.32 Chin BD, Winter HH* (2002 Field-induced gelation, yield stress, and fragility of an electro-rheological suspension. Rheol Acta, 41(3):265 (PDF)
04.33 Winter HH* (2002) The critical gel: The universal material state between liquid and solid. Borsali R, Pecora R (eds), Structure and Dynamic of Polymer and Colloidal Systems, ASI 439-470 (PDF)
04.34 Winter HH* (2003) Gel Point. Encycl Polym Sci Tech, 2nd Ed, Wiley, New York. DOI: 10.1002/0471440264.pst476
04.35 Nandi S, Winter HH* (2005) Swelling Behavior of Partially Crosslinked Polymers: A Ternary System. Macromol 38: 4447-4455 (PDF)
04.36 Winter HH* (2013) Glass transition as the rheological inverse of gelation. Macromol 46:2425-2432 (PDF)
04.37 Zaccone A, Winter HH, Siebenbürger M, Ballauff M* (2014) Linking self-assembly, relaxation, and rheology at the colloidal gelation transition. J Rheology 58:1219-1244(PDF)
04.39 Winter HH* (2016) Gel Point. Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology, Peterca M, ed, John Wiley & Sons. (PDF)
04.40 Winter HH* (2017) The Solidification Rheology of Amorphous Polymers - Vitrification as Compared to Gelation. Macromolecular Symposia 374:177–180(PDF)
05.01 Tanna V, Wetzel C, Winter HH (2017) Onset of non-linearity and yield strain of a model soft Solid, Rheologica Acta 56(6):527-537(PDF)
05.02 Li Y, Tanna V, Zhou Y, Winter HH, Watkins JJ, Carter K* (2017) Nanocellulose aerogels inspired by frozen tofu. Sustainable Chem Eng 5: 6387-6391(PDF)
05.03 Liu Y, Winter HH, Perry SL* (2017) Linear viscoelasticity of complex coacervates. Adv Col Interface Sci 239:46-60(PDF)
05.04 Liu Y, Momani B, Winter HH, Perry SL* (2017) Rheological characterization of liquid-to-solid transitions in bulk polyelectrolyte complexes. ACS Macro Letters (PDF)
06.01 Katsaros JD, Malone MF, Winter HH* (1986) Extensional flow induced miscibility in a polymer blend. Polym Bulletin 16:83-88 (PDF)
06.01a Figures for Katsaros JD, Malone MF, Winter HH* (1986) Supplemental color figures. Polym Bulletin 16:83-88 (PDF)
06.02 Katsaros JD, Malone MF, Winter HH* (1989) The effects of flow miscibility in a blend of polystyrene and poly(vinyl methyl ether). Polym Engr Sci 29:1434-1445 (PDF)
06.02a Figures for Katsaros JD, Malone MF, Winter HH* (1989) Supplemental color figures. Polym Engr Sci 29:1434-1445 (PDF)
06.03 Cheikh Larbi FB, Malone MF, Winter HH*, Halary JL, Leviet MH, Monnerie L (1988) Fluorescence evidence of shear flow-induced miscibility in a blend of polystyrene with poly(vinyl methyl ether). Macromol 21:3532-3534 (PDF)
06.04 Morrison F, LeBourvellec G, Winter HH* (1987) Flow induced structure and rheology of a tri-block copolymer. J Appl Polym Sci 33:1585-1600 (PDF)
06.05 Morrison F, Winter HH* (1989) The effect of unidirectional shear on the structure of triblock copolymers i polystyrene-polybutadiene-polystyrene. Macromol 22:3533-3540 (PDF)
06.06 Morrison F, Winter HH*, Barnes J, Gronski W (1990) The effect of unidirectional shear on the structure of triblock co-polymers II Polystyrene-polyisoprene-polystyrene. Macromol 23:4200-4205 (PDF)
06.07 Lin YG, Jin PW, Chien JCW, Winter HH* (1989) Effect of shear on viscoelastic properties of a phase separated multi-block thermoplastic elastomer. Polymer 30:831-834 (PDF)
06.08 Lin YG, Zhou R, Chien JCW, Winter HH* (1989) Structure and rheology of twin liquid crystalline polymers. Polymer 30:2204-2208 (PDF)
06.09 Sun T, Lin YG, Winter HH*, Porter RS (1989) Phase transitions of poly(ethylene terephthalate-co-p-hydroxybenzoic acid) liquid crystal by dynamic mechanical analysis. Polymer 30:1257 (PDF)
06.10 Mani S, Winter HH*, Silverstein M*, Narkis M (1989) Power law relaxation in an interpenetrating polymer network. Colloid Polym Sci 267:1002-1006
06.11 Llinas GH, Dong SH, Mallin DT, Rausch MD, Lin YG, Winter HH, Chien JCW* (1992) Crystalline-Amorphous block polypropylene and non-symmetric ansa-metallocene catalyzed polymerization. Macromol 25:1242-1253 (PDF)
06.12 Chien JCW*, Llinas GH, Rausch MD, Lin YG, Winter HH, Atwood JL, Bott SG (1992) Metallocene catalysis for olefin polymerization XXIV Stereoblock propylene polymerization catalyzed by rac-[anti-Ethylidene(1-h5-tetramethyl-cyclopentadienyl) (1-h5-indenyl)] dimethyltitanium: A two-step propagation. J Polymer Sci Part A: Polymer Chemistry 30:2601-2617 (PDF)
06.13 Scott DB, Waddon AJ, Lin YG, Karasz FE, Winter HH* (1992) Shear induced orientation transitions in triblock copolymer styrene-butadiene-styrene with cylindrical domain morphology. Macromol 25:4175-4181 (PDF)
06.14 Mani S, Malone MF, Winter HH*, Halary JL, Monnerie L* (1991) Effects of shear on miscible polymer blends: in situ fluorescence studies. Macromol 24:5451-5458 (PDF)
06.15 Mani S, Malone MF, Winter HH* (1992) Influence of phase separation on the linear viscoelastic behavior of a miscible polymer blend. J Rheology 36:1625-1649 (PDF)
06.16 Mani S, Malone MF, Winter HH* (1992) Shear-induced demixing in a PS/PVME blend: in situ fluorescence and rheometry. Macromol 25:5671-5676 (PDF)
06.17 Winter HH*, Scott DB, Gronski W, Okamoto S, Hashimoto T (1993) Ordering by flow near the disorder-order transition of a triblock copolymer polystyrene-isoprene-styrene. Macromol 26:7236-7244 (PDF)
06.18 Lillya PC, Baker RJ, Hutte S, Winter HH, Lin YG, Jiefeng Shi, Dickinson LC, Chien JC* (1992) Linear chain extension through associative termini. Macromol 25:2076-2080 (PDF)
06.19 Lin YG, Lee HW, Winter HH*, Dashevsky S, Kim KS (1993) Miscibility and viscoelastic properties of blends of a liquid-crystalline polymer and poly(ethylene terephthalate). Polymer 34:4703-4709 (PDF)
06.20 Wedler W, Tang W, Winter HH*, MacKnight WJ, Farris RJ (1994) A segmented polyurethane elastomer with liquid crystalline hard segments: 2 Rheological study. Macromol 28:512-516 (PDF)
06.21 Sakurai K, MacKnight W, Lohse DJ, Schulz DN, Sissano JA, Wedler W, Winter HH* (1996) Dynamic viscoelastic properties of poly(ethylene-propylene) diblock copolymer in the melt state and solutions. Polymer 37:5159-5163(PDF)
06.22 Polios IS, Soliman M, Lee C, Gido SP, Schmidt-Rohr K*, Winter HH* (1997) Late stages of phase separation in a binary polymer blend studied by rheology, optical and electron microscopy, and solid state NMR. Macromol 30:4470-4480 (PDF)
06.23 Soenen H, Berghmans H, Winter HH*, Overbergh N (1997) Ordering and structure formation in triblock copolymer solutions. Part I. Rheological observations. Polymer 38:5653-5660 (PDF)
06.24 Soenen H, Liskova A, Reynders K, Berghmans H, Winter HH, Overbergh N *(1997) Ordering and structure formation in triblock copolymer solutions. Part II. Small angle x-ray scattering and calorimetric observations. Polymer 38:5661-5665(PDF)
06.25 Mandare P, Horst R, Winter HH* (2005) Long Time Stress Relaxation of a triblock copolymer with asymmetric composition. Rheol Acta 45(1):33-41 (PDF)
06.26 Mandare P, Winter HH* (2006) Ultra-slow dynamics in asymmetric block copolymers with nano-spherical domains. Coll Polym Sci 284:1203-1210 (PDF)
06.27 Mandare P, Winter HH* (2007) Shear Induced Long-Range Alignment of BCC Ordered Block-Copolymers. Rheol Acta 46:1161-1170 (PDF)
06.28 Kothari R, Winter HH, Watkins JJ* (2014) Rheological study of order-to-disorder transitions and phase behavior of block-copolymer-surfactant complexes containing hydrogen-bonded small-molecule-additives. Macromolecules 47(22):8048-8055(PDF)
06.29. Liu Y, Winter HH, Perry SL* (2016) Linear Viscoelasticity of Complex Coacervates. Adv Col Interface Sci 239:46-6(PDF)
06.30 Yavitt BM, Gai Y, Song D-P, Winter HH*, Watkins JJ* (2016) High molecular mobility and viscoelasticity of micro-phase separated bottlebrush diblock copolymer melts. Macromolecules 50(1):396-405(PDF)
06.31 Yavitt BM, Fei HF, Kopanati GN, Winter HH*, Watkins JJ* (2019) Power law relaxations in lamellae forming brush block copolymers with asymmetric molecular shape, Macromolecules 52(4):1557-1566(PDF)
06.32 Enokida JS, Tanna VA, Winter HH, Coughlin EB* (2018) Progression of the morphology in random ionomers containing bulky ammonium counterions. Macromolecules 51(18):7377-7385(PDF)
07.01 Winter HH* (1971) The unsteady temperature field in plane Couette flow. Int J Heat Transfer 14:1203-1212 (PDF)
07.02 Winter HH* (1972) Wärmedissipation in Polymerschmelzen bei ebener Schlepp-strömung thermischer Anfahrvorgang und Gleichgewichtszustand. Rheol Acta 11:216-223 (PDF)
07.03 Winter HH* (1973) Helical flow of polymer melts in a cylindrical annulus. Rheol Acta 12: 1-12; Errata (1975) Rheol Acta 14:764 (PDF)
07.04 Winter HH* (1973) Die Wendelströmung von Polymerschmelzen im zylindrischen Ringspalt Theorie und Experiment. Dissertation Universität Stuttgart
07.05 Winter HH* (1975) Temperature fields in extruder dies with circular annular or slit cross section. Polym Eng Sci 15:84-89(PDF)
07.06 Winter HH* (1977) Grundlagen der Rheologie und der Wärmeübertragung beim Extrudieren. in: Der Extruder als Plastifiziereinhei. J Müller (ed)VDI-Gesellschaft Kunststofftechnik Düsseldorf p.1-33.
07.07 Winter HH* (1976) Wärmeübertragung und Dissipation in Scherströmungen von Polymerschmelzen. Habilitationsschrift Universität Stuttgart
07.08 Winter HH* (1977) Viscous dissipation in shear flows of molten polymers. Adv Heat Transfer 13:205-267 (PDF)
Continuation: Second half of text (PDF)
07.09 Winter HH* (1977) Temperaturänderungen beim Durchströmen von Rohren und Ringspalten. Muschelknautz E, Ed. Praktische Rheologie der Kunststoffe, VDI-Gesellschaft Kunststofftechnik Düsseldorf,p143-161
07.10 Winter HH* (1978) Ingenieurmäßige Berechnung von Temperatur und Geschwin-digkeitsfeldern in strömenden Kunststoffschmelzen. In: Berechnen von Extrudier-werkzeugen H H Selbach Ed. VDI-Gesellschaft Kunststofftechnik Düsseldorf , p. 17-42
07.11 Armstrong RC, Winter HH* (1982) Heat Transfer in Non-Newtonian Fluids in Heat Exchanger Design Data Book, Schlünder EU (ed)Hemisphere Publ Co, Washington DC Vol 2(PDF)
07.12 Winter HH* (1982) Heat transfer in rheological systems: molten polymers. Grigull U, Hahne E, Stephan K, Straub J (ed) Heat and Mass Transfer. Hemisphere, London, Vol.1: 261-268 (PDF)
07.13 Winter HH* (1987) Viscous dissipation term in energy equations. in AIChE Modular Instruction, Series C: Transport, Volume 7: Calculation and Measurement Techniques for Momentum, Energy, and Mass Transfer. Gordon RJ, Ed Module C7.4 (PDF)
08.01 Whaley PD, Kulkarni S, Winter HH*, Stein RS, Ehrlich P (1995) Crystallization of polymers from supercritical solution: Low-density, porous isotactic polypropylene. Polym Mat Sci Eng 73:404-405(PDF)
08.02 Whaley PD, Winter HH, Ehrlich P* (1997) Phase equilibria of polypropylene with compressed propane and related systems. I. Isotactic and atactic polypropylene with propane and propylene. Macromol 30:4882-4886(PDF)
08.03 Whaley PD, Winter HH, Ehrlich P* (1997) Phase equilibria of polypropylene with compressed propane and related systems. II. a) Fluid -phase equilibria of polypropylene with propane containing alcohols as co-solvents. b) Some other Branched Polyolefins with Propane. Macromol 30:4887-4890(PDF)
08.04 Whaley PD, Kulkarni S, Ehrlich P, Stein RS, Winter HH*, Conner WC, Beaucage G (1998) Isotactic polypropylene foams crystallized from compressed propane solutions. J Poly Sci B, Polym Physics 36:617-627
08.05 Winter HH*, Gappert G, Ito H (2002) Rigid pore structure from highly swollen polymer gels. Macromol 35:3325-3327 (PDF)
08.06 Nandi S, Winter HH*, Fritz HG (2004 Open pore morphology of i-PP copolymer crystallized from a gel state in supercritical propane. Polymer 45: 4819-4827 (PDF)
08.07 Chen S, Nandi S, Winter HH*, Gido SP (2006) Long-range periodic structure and pore formation mechanism in porous high-density polyethylene crystallized from the gel state in supercritical propane. Macromol 39:2849-2855(PDF)
08.08 Whaley PD, Kulkarni S, Ehrlich P, Stein RS, Winter HH* (1996) Isotactic polypropylene foams crystallized from compressed propane solutions. Polymer Preprints 37(2):799-800
08:09 Nandi S, Chen Z, Fritz H-G, Winter HH* (2006) Open-pore poly L-lactic acid via crystallization from the gel state. to be submitted
09.01 te Nijenhuis K*, Winter HH* (1989) Mechanical properties at the gel point of crystallizing poly vinyl chloride solutions. Macromol 22:411-414 (PDF)
09.02 Lin YG, Mallin DT, Chien JCW, Winter HH* (1991 Dynamic mechanical measurement of crystallization-induced gelation in thermoplastic elastomeric poly(propylene). Macromol 24:850 (PDF)
09.03 Richtering HW, Gagnon KD, Lenz RW, Fuller RC, Winter HH* (1992) Physical gelation of a bacterial thermoplastic elastomer. Macromol 25:2429-2433 (PDF)
09.04 Schwittay C, Mours M, Winter HH* (1995) Rheological expression of physical gelation in polymers. Faraday Disc 101:93-104. (PDF)
09.05 Pogodina NV, Winter HH* (1998) Polypropylene crystallization as physical gelation process. Macromol 31:8164-8172 (PDF)
09.06 Pogodina NV, Siddiquee SK, van Egmond JW, Winter HH* (1999) Correlation of rheology and light scattering in isotactic polypropylene during early stages of crystallization. Macromol 32:1167-1174 (PDF)
09.07 Pogodina NV, Winter HH*, Srinivas S (1999 Strain effects on physical gelation of crystallizing isotactic polypropylene. DHPP Special Issue J Poly Sci.: Poly Phys B37:3512 (PDF)
09.08 Gelfer MY, Winter HH* (1999) Effect of branch distribution on rheology of LDPE during early stages of crystallization. Macromol 32: 8974-8981 (PDF)
09.09 Horst RH, Winter HH* (2000) Stable critical gels of a crystallizing copolymer of ethene and 1-butene. Macromol 33: 130-136 (PDF)
09.10 Horst RH, Winter HH* (2000) Stable critical gels of a copolymer of ethene and 1-butene achieved by partial melting and recrystallization. Macromol 33:7538-7543 (PDF)
09.11 Pogodina NV, Lavrenko VP, Srinivas S, Winter HH* (2001) Rheology and structure of isotactic polypropylene near the gel point. Quiescent and shear-induced crystallization. Polymer 42:9031-9043 (PDF)
09.12 Acierno S, Grizzuti N, Winter HH* (2002) Effects of molecular weight on the isothermal crystallization of poly(1-butene). Macromol 35:5043-5048 (PDF)
09.13 Somani RH, Yang L, Sics I, Hsiao BS, Pogodina N, Winter HH*, Agarwal P, Fruitwala HJ, Tsou A (2002) Orientation-induced crystallization in isotactic polypropylene melt by shear deformation. Macromol Symp 185:105-117 (PDF)
09.14 Gelfer, M, Horst R, Winter HH*, Heintz A, Hsu SL (2003) Physical gelation of crystallizing metallocene and Ziegler-Natta ethylene-hexene copolymers. Polymer 44:2363-2371 (PDF)
09:15 Acierno S, Grizzuti N, Palomba B, Winter HH* (2003) Effect of molecular weight on the flow-induced crystallization of isotactic poly(1-butene). Rheol Acta 42:243-250 (PDF)
09.16 Elmoumni A, Winter HH*, Waddon A, Fruitwala H (2003) Correlation of material and processing time scales with structure development in isotactic polypropylene crystallization. Macromol 36:6453-6361 (PDF)
09.17 Tripathy AR, Elmoumni A, Winter HH, MacKnight WJ (2005) Effects of catalyst and polymerization temperature on the in-situ polymerization of cyclic poly (butylene terephthalate) oligomers for composite applications. Macromol 38:709-715 (PDF)
09.18 Elmoumni A, Gonzalez-Ruiz RA, Coughlin EB, Winter HH* (2005 crystallization: role of small fractions of high or low molecular weight polymer. Macromol Chem Phys 206:125-134 (PDF)
09.19 Elmoumni A, Winter HH* (2006) Large strain requirements for shear induced crystallization of isotactic polypropylene. Rheol Acta 45:793–801 (PDF)
09.20 Arora D, Winter HH* (2010) Network formation in a crystallizing polymer. Polym Mat Sci Eng (PMSE) 103:208-209(PDF)
09.20 Arora D, Winter HH* (2010) Network formation in a crystallizing polymer. ACS-PMSE Meeting Abstract Volume240: 66(HTML)
09.21 Chellamuthu M, Arora D, Winter HH, Rothstein JP* (2011) Extensional flow-induced crystallization of isotactic poly-1-butene using a filament stretching rheometer. J Rheology 55:901-920 (PDF)
09.22 White-Bischoff EE, Winter HH, Rothstein JP* (2012) Extensional-flow-induced crystallization of isotactic polypropylene. Rheol Acta 51: 303-314 (PDF)
10.01 Lin YG, Winter HH*, Lieser G (1988) Equibiaxial extension of a thermotropic liquid crystalline polymer: flow induced structure, relaxation of orientation, and strain recovery. Liquid Crystals 3:519-529 (PDF)
10.02 Lin YG, Winter HH* (1988) Structural relaxation behavior of a thermotropic liquid crystal aromatic copolyester in the supercooled liquid state. Liquid Crystals 3:593-604 (PDF)
10.03 Lin YG, Zhou R, Chien JCW, Winter HH* (1988 Rheology of a twin liquid crystalline polymer. Macromol 21:2014-2018 (PDF)
10.04 Lin YG, Winter HH* (1988) Formation of high melting crystal in a thermotropic aromatic polyester. Macromol 21:2439-2443 (PDF)
10.05 Hsiao BS, Stein RS, Deutscher K, Winter HH* (1990 Optical anisotrophy of a thermotropic liquid crystalline polymer in transient shear. J Polym Sci 28:1571-1588 (PDF)
10.06 Lin YG, Winter HH* (1991) High temperature recrystallization and rheology of a thermotropic liquid crystalline polymer. Macromol 24:2877-2882 (PDF)
10.07 Guskey SM, Winter HH* (1991) Transient shear behavior of a thermotropic liquid crystalline polymer in the nematic state. J Rheology 35:1191-1207 (PDF)
10.08 Lin YG, Winter HH* (1992) Rheology of phase separated blends of two thermotropic liquid crystalline copolyesters. Polym Engr Sci 32:773-776 (PDF)
10.09 Srinivasarao M, Garay RO, Winter HH*, Stein RS (1992 Rheo-optical properties of a thermotropic liquid crystalline polymer. Mol Cryst Liq Cryst 223:29-39 (PDF)
10.10 Huang K, Lin YG, Winter HH* (1992) p-Hydroxybenzoate/Ethylene terephthalate copolyester: structure of high-melting crystals formed during partially molten state annealing. Polymer 33:4533-4537 (PDF)
10.11 Winter HH*, Wedler W (1993) About measuring the first normal stress difference in shear flow of a thermotropic copolyester. J Rheology 37:409-412
10.12 Srinivasarao M, Winter HH*, Stein RS (1993 Defect formation at the nematic to isotropic phase transition in liquid crystalline polymers. Proc SPIE-Int Soc Opt Eng 1911:59-69
10.13 Srinivasarao M*, Garay RO, Winter HH, Stein RS (1992) Rheo-optics of an aligned thermotropic liquid crystalline polymer. MRS Proc 248, Sirota EB, Weitz DA, Witten T, Israelachvili J (ed) p197
10.14 Stein RS, Winter HH*, Müller JA, Srinivasarao M (1995) Optical properties of polymers and liquid crystals in electrical, magnetic and hydrodynamic fields. Pure Appl Chem 67:1971
10.15 Müller JA, Stein RS, Winter HH* (1994 Director dynamics of uniformly aligned nematic liquid crystals in transient shear flow. Rheol Acta 33:473-484 (PDF)
10.16 Müller JA, Stein RS, Winter HH* (1996) Rotation of liquid crystalline macromolecules in shear flow and shear induced periodic orientation patterns. Rheol Acta 35:160-167 (PDF)
10.17 Boudreau D, Winter HH*, Lillya PC, Stein RS (1999) Conoscopic observations of shear induced rotations in nematic liquid crystals. Rheol Acta 38:503-513 (PDF)
10.18 Van Horn BL, Winter HH* (2000) Dynamics of shear aligning of nematic liquid crystal monodomains. Rheol Acta 39:294-300 (PDF)
10.19 Van Horn BL, Winter HH* (2000) Analysis of the conoscopic measurement for uniaxial liquid crystal tilt angles. J Optical Soc Am 40:2089 (PDF)
10.20 Van Horn BL Boudreau D, Winter HH* (2003) Shear response of monodomains of nematic liquid crystals: TIF model comparisons and effect of pre-tilt. Rheol Acta, 42:585-589. (PDF)
11.01 Winter HH* (1975) Approximate calculation and measurement of the pressure distribution in radial flow of molten polymers between parallel disks. Polym Eng Sci 15:460-469 (PDF)
11.02 Winter HH* (1980) Temperature induced pressure gradient in the clearance between screw flight and barrel of a single screw extruder. Polym Eng Sci 20:406-412
11.03 Winter HH*, Fischer E (1981) Processing history in extrusion dies and its influence on the state of the polymer extrudate at the die exit. Polym Eng Sci 21:366-374 (PDF)
11.04 Winter HH* (1982) Modelling of strain histories for memory integral fluids in steady axisymmetric flows. J Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech 10:157-167 (PDF)
11.05 Winter HH* (1983) A collaborative study of the relation between film blowing and rheological properties of two LD-PE and two HD-PE samples. Pure Applied Chemistry 55:943-976 (PDF)
11.06 Winter HH*, Wei KH (1984) Modelling of orientation development in welding flows of macromolecular fluids in interrelations between structure and properties of polymeric materials. Seferis JC, Theocaris PS (ed)Elsevier, Amsterdam, p. 261-269 (PDF)
11.07 Winter HH*, Fritz HG (1986) Design of dies for the extrusion of sheets and annular parisons: the distribution problem. Polym Eng Sci 26:543-553 (PDF)
11.08 Wei KH, Malone MF, Winter HH* (1986) Simulation of plane welding flows part 1 kinematics. Polym Eng Sci 26:1012-1019(PDF)
11.09 Wei KH, Nordberg ME, Winter HH* (1987) Simulation of planar welding flow: part 2 strain history, stress calculation, and experimental comparison. Polym Eng Sci 27:1390-1398 (PDF)
11.10 Nordberg ME, Winter HH* (1988) Fully developed multilayer polymer flows in slits and annuli. Polym Eng Sci 28:444-452 (PDF)
11.11 Phelan FR, Malone MF, Winter HH* (1989 A purely hyperbolic model for unsteady viscoelastic flow. J Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech 32:197-224 (PDF)
11.12 Nordberg ME, Winter HH* (1990) A simple model of non-isothermal coextrusion. Polym Eng Sci 30:408-415 (PDF)
11.13 Van Horn B, Winter HH* (2003) Conoscopic measurement of birefringence in biaxially stretched polymer films and sheets for on-line and off-line applications. Macromol 36:8513-8521 (PDF)
12.01 Winter HH*, Mours M (2006) The cyber infrastructure initiative for rheology. Rheol Acta 45:331-338 (PDF)
12.02 Winter HH*, (2008) Rheology Cyberinfrastructure for Integrated Research and Learning at ARC 07. Applied Rheology 17:302-304 (PDF)
12.03 Winter HH* (2008) Experiencing Synergy Between Experiments and Theory in Rheology. ANTEC 66: 2270-2273 (PDF)
12.04 Winter HH* (2008) Sharing the World's Advanced Rheology Knowledge through Rheo-Hub. Proc XVth Int Congr Rheology, Co A, Leal LG, Colby RH, Giacomin AJ (eds) Am Inst Physics 1387-1389 (PDF)
12.05 Winter HH* (2009) Bringing Eureka into Rheology at ARC08. Applied Rheology, in press (PDF)
12.06 Poh L, Narimissa E, Wagner MH, Winter HH (2022) Interactive Shear and Extensional Rheology—25 years of IRIS Software. Rheol. Acta 61:259-269 (PDF)
13.01 Laukkanen OV, Winter HH (2018) Strain accumulation in bituminous binders under repeated creep-recovery loading predicted from small-amplitude oscillatory shear (SAOS) experiments. Mech Time-Depend Mater 22:499–518, ,
13.02 Laukkanen O-V*, Winter HH, Soenen H, Seppälä J (2016) Rheological analysis of bitumen as a complex glass-forming liquid and comparison with some simple glass-forming liquids. Annual Transactions of the Nordic Rheology Society, Volume 24, pp. 17-21(PDF)
13.03 Laukkanen O-V*, Winter HH, Soenen H, Seppälä J (2016) Rheological characterization of styrene-butadiene-styrene block copolymer modified bitumens. Annual Transactions of the Nordic Rheology Society, Volume 24, pp.53-57(PDF)
13.04 Laukkanen O-V*, Winter HH, Soenen H, Seppälä J (2017) An empirical constitutive model for complex glass-forming liquids using bitumen as a model material. Rheologica Acta 57:57-70(PDF)
13.05 Laukkanen O-V, Winter HH (2018) The dynamic fragility and apparent activation energy of bitumens as expressed by a modified Kaelble equation. J Non-Crystalline Solids 499:289-299(PDF)
13.06 Laukkanen O-V, Soenen H, Winter HH, Seppälä J (2018) Low-temperature rheological and morphological characterization of SBS modified bitumen. Construction and Building Materials 179:348-359(PDF)
13.07 Laukkanen O-V, Winter HH, Soenen H, Seppälä J (2018) Systematic broadening of the viscoelastic and calorimetric glass transitions in complex glass-forming liquids. J Non-Crystalline Solids 483:10-17(PDF)
13.08 Laukkanen O-V, Winter HH, Seppälä J (2018) Characterization of physical aging by time-resolved rheometry: Fundamentals and application to bituminous binders. Rheologica Acta 57:745–756(PDF)
14.01 Embs FW, Winter HH, Wegner G* (1993) Preparation of Langmuir-Blodgett multilayers in a continuous process using a steadily flowing subphase. Langmuir 9:1618-1621 (PDF)
14.02 Winkelhahn H-J, Winter HH, Neher D* (1994) Piezoelectricity and electrostriction of dye-doped polymer electrets. Appl Phys Lett 64:1347-1349 (PDF)
14.03 Winter HH, Stricker D* (1995 Basisstudie zum Materialstromfluß von Altkunststoffen in Berlin. Schriftenreihe Kunststoff + Recycling, Berlin
14.04 Chien JCW*, Llinas GH, Rausch MD, Lin YG, Winter HH, Atwood JL, Bott SG (1992) Metallocene catalysts for olefin polymerizations. XXIV. Stereoblock propylene polymerization catalyzed by rac-[anti-ethylidene(1-eta-5-tetramethylcyclopenta dienyl (1-eta-5-indenyl) dimethyltitanium - a 2-state propagation. J Polym Sci A-Polym Chem 30: 2601-2617 (PDF)
14.05 Chien JCW, Iwamoto Y, Rausch MD, Wedler W, Winter HH* (1997) Homogeneous binary zirconocenium catalyst systems for propylene polymerization. I. Isotactic/atactic interfacial polymers having thermoplastic elastomeric properties. Macromol 30:3447-3458 (PDF)
14.06 Winter HH* (2002) Using test results for assessment of teaching and learning. Chem Engr Education 36:188-190 (PDF)
14.07 Chien JCW, Llinas GH, Rausch MD, Lin Y-G, Winter HH* (1991) Two-state propagation mechanism for propylene polymerization catalyzed by rac-[anti-ethylidene (1-h5-tetramethylcyclopentadienyl)(1-h5-indenyl) dimethyltitanium. J Am Chem Soc 113:8569-8570 (PDF)
14.08 Zhang L, Colella NS, Liu F, Baral J, Trahan S, Winter HH, Mannsfeld SCB, Briseno AL* (2013) Synthesis, molecular packing/morphology, and carrier mobilities of pure oligo-/poly(alkylthiophenes) JACS 135(2):844–854 (PDF)
14.09 Colella NS, Zhang L, McCarthy-Ward T, Mannsfeld SCB, Winter HH, Heeney M, Watkins JJ, Briseno AL* (2015) Controlled integration of oligo- and polythiophenes at the molecular scale. Phys Chem Chem Phys 17: 26525-26529(PDF)
15.01 Patent #6,558,607 B1, Approved May 6, 2003 "Crystallization of Crosslinked Polymers" Winter HH*, Gappert G.
15.02 “A method for orientation of titanosilicate molecular sieve crystals in polymeric matrices”, Invention Disclosure 2001, Chin B-D, Jeong H-K, Tsapatsis M, Winter HH.
15.03 Offenlegungsschrift DE 2933025 A1, September 13, 1979, “Masseeinlauf – und –verteilelement fuer Extrusionswerkzeuge“,Winter HH, Fritz HG(PDF)
15.04 Winter HH, Dimitrakopoulos C (2015) United States Patent No.: US 9,993,749 B2; Title: Fast Production of High Quality Graphene by Liquid Phase Exfoliation; Date of Patent: June 12, 2018, 2015
16. Conference Papers of H.H. Winter and coworkers, Never Published as Full Articles
16.01 Soskey PR, Winter HH* (1982) Modeling of stress development during film blowing of memory integral fluids. ANTEC '82, San Francisco. Society of Plastics Engineers: Technical Papers Vol. 27:47-50
16.02. Winter HH, Soskey PR* (1984) Mathematical modeling of stress in tapered Annular Dies. NRCC/IMRI, third mini-symposium on "Mathematical Modeling of Plastics Processing Operations", Montreal, Canada
16.03. Soskey PR, Winter HH *(1985) A study of extensional deformation in converging and diverging annular extrusion dies. ANTEC 31(PDF)
16.04 Jackson JK, Garcia-Franco C, Winter HH *(1992 Modeling linear viscoelastic behavior with a truncated relaxation time spectrum. ANTEC 2438-2442(PDF)
Published Transactions 2017
Laukkanen OV, Winter HH, Soenen H, Seppälä J (2017) New approach for modeling polymer modified bitumens as polymer solutions: power-law scaling of rheological constants. Annual Transactions of the Nordic Rheology Society, 25, 165-171.
Laukkanen OV, Winter HH, Soenen H, Seppälä J (2017) From simple to complex glass-forming liquids: broadening of the glass transition as studied by shear rheology. Annual Transactions of the Nordic Rheology Society, 25, 158-161.
Published Transactions 2016
Laukkanen O-V*, Winter HH, Soenen H, Seppälä J (2016) Rheological analysis of bitumen as a complex glass-forming liquid and comparison with some simple glass-forming liquids. Annual Transactions of the Nordic Rheology Society, Volume 24, pp. 17-21.
Laukkanen O-V*, Winter HH, Soenen H, Seppälä J (2016) Rheological characterization of styrene-butadiene-styrene block copolymer modified bitumens. Annual Transactions of the Nordic Rheology Society, Volume 24, pp.53-57
Winter Group Rheology Teaching - Webinars
presented by H. Henning Winter - Topic: Soft Matter Rheology
presented by Olli-Ville Laukkanen - Topic: Bitumen Rheology I
presented by Olli-Ville Laukkanen - Topic: Bitumen Rheology II
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H. Henning Winter