Preliminary Course Content
Course Registration

The Amherst Rheology Course 2022 (ARC22)
"Creating Synergy between Rheological Experiments and Theory "

Co-directed by
H. Henning Winter, Amherst Massachusetts/USA and Manfred H. Wagner, Berlin/ Germany

Video Instruction
Three hours of lectures on each of the four days of May 10, 11,12 and 13, 2022.
Lectures will start at 10:00 am Eastern Standard Time (Boston time).
Daily Preparations: prior to the daily lectures there will be an informal gathering each day.
Language: English.
Location: taught by video instruction.

General Objective This course will present a quantitative approach to rheology. We will cover the handling of data from rheological experiments, extraction of material parameters, plotting, overlay, and modelling with theory. Short Zoom lectures on rheology fundamentals will be followed by hands-on exercises to practice the lectured material. Participants will use graphical software on their own PCs for these practice sessions, but will have plenty of personal guidance over Zoom. The objective is to generate an interdisciplinary group experience, in which we will discuss rheological experiments, theory, and application. Our interactive teaching tools will facilitate this process and experience. It is highly recommended that each participant projects the video instruction on a separate screen (using the projection system in a conference room; or any type of PC or iPad), while simultaneously using as second device a personal PC for hands-on exercises under step-by-step instruction.

Daily Schedule On the first day, participants will master rheology on a quantitative level and learn the underlying concepts that lead to quantitative results. On the first two days, our focus will be mostly on linear viscoelasticity. The third and fourth days, we will focus on non-linear viscoelasticity and its underlying theory.

Two-Tier Teaching Tools
Screen one: Henning Winter and Manfred Wagner will present the lectures and guide the group tutorials via Zoom. Course participants are expected to connect to this video instruction from their own device (not the personal PC, see below) – for example, a Mac, PC, or iPad. We’ve found that video projection in a conference room works even better, especially when there are several participants from the same institution. The access to such independent screen is essential for receiving lectures and tutorial instructions.
Screen two: In addition, we strongly recommend using a separate computer to actively participate in quantitative rheology exercises using IRIS as teaching tool. Hands-on tutorials will be held jointly, but they will work best for each participant if he/she has access to his/her own individual PC for that purpose. PCs must be MSWindows operated to be compatible with the interactive rheology software used in this course (IRIS Rheo-Hub). The IRIS platform serves as a teaching/learning tool for exploring the newest developments in rheology and for graphically merging experimental data and theory. Three months of complimentary access to the Interactive Rheology Information System (IRIS) is included in the course registration.

Registration Fee: US# 480.- ("early bird" US# 400.- before April 20th, 2022)

Send your questions and suggestions to H. Henning Winter at